
Running a Customer Experience Checkup on Your Business

Customer Experience is everything when it comes to growing your business, shaping the perception of your brand, and creating a loyal repeat customer base. Every customer touch point provides an opportunity for your business to create a lasting impression. Developing a customer experience (CX) strategy is a key priority for many organizations over the next five years for a simple reason: businesses that prioritize customer experience minimize turnover and boost revenue, resulting in increased profitability. CX is everything when it comes to growing your business and it’s no surprise that 73% of customers point to experience as an important factor in their purchasing decisions, behind price and product quality.

In simple words: Businesses that adopt a customer experience plan can achieve improved customer satisfaction rates, lower customer turnover rates, and increased revenues. To ensure your business is optimizing your customer experience strategy evaluate it using these important metrics:

Determine Your Net Promoter Score

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) calculation is one of the most widely used ways of assessing customer satisfaction. Your Net Promoter Score (NPS) tells you how your customers view your business, products and/or services, and why. By capturing the Voice of The Customer through NPS companies can also identifies particular pain points, as well as opportunities.


The Net Promoter Score (NPS) calculation is one of the most widely used ways of assessing customer satisfaction. Your Net Promoter Score (NPS) tells you how your customers view your business, products and/or services, and why. By capturing the Voice of The Customer through NPS companies can also identifies particular pain points, as well as opportunities.

To get your net promoter score, subtract the proportion of detractor replies from the percentage of promoter responses. When you have this score, you can know right away how many consumers were satisfied enough with their customer experience to become brand advocates for you. Following the collection of this data, you can focus your efforts on enhancing the customer experience on those who are passive or detractors. 

One of the benefits of using Canon ITS as your BPO is we ensure that your customer care, support, and outreach effectively assist you in connecting with your customers. Our services include: 

Analyze the Data from the Customer Journey Analytics

Using your analytics to look at the customer journey is another way to evaluate CX and improve it. However, before you can begin collecting this information, you'll need to have a thorough grasp of your client's journey. If you haven't previously, establishing a customer journey map may be a handy tool in accomplishing this goal.

A customer journey map should address the target audience's motivations, needs, and pain areas. Additionally, a customer journey map may aid you in knowing all the touchpoints encountered by a client during their interaction with you. This is how you will get data on the client's trip. Once you've identified all the available touchpoints, you can begin collecting data on your customers' overall experience with you. 

To begin, look at statistics from where your customers interact with you the most. This should assist you in answering questions such as "Where are my consumers encountering the greatest friction?" and "How can I better serve my customers?" This activity should assist you in meeting existing unmet demands and providing a more positive customer experience in the future. 

Canon ITS knows the value of productive feedback in informing business decisions or analysis of operations. Our detailed reporting provides you with real-time customer information to create a better customer experience efficiently and effortlessly. You will be able to easily extract data that identifies process gaps, trends, and areas of customer dissatisfaction.

Calculate the Churn Rate of Your Customers


The churn rate is the proportion of customers or subscribers that cancel or do not renew their subscriptions within a certain period. Although churn is unavoidable, it is critical to understand why it occurs in your organization to minimize it as much as possible. 

For your churn rate, choose a period and add the number of customers you brought into the number of customers who left during that period. To figure out your churn rate, you need to divide the total number of new customers by the total number of churned customers and multiply by 100% to get your churn rate.

This measure should assist you in determining the reasons why consumers are departing. Is it a result of a lack of participation? Is the user experience poor? Maybe it's a matter of a lack of support? Measurement and analysis of your customer turnover rate should, in any case, assist you in improving your customer experience. 

Canon ITS overcomes churn rate issues with a proactive approach that includes:


After running a customer experience checkup on your business, you should be able to identify ways to improve your CX strategy and increase profitability. One way to improve your customer experience is to outsource it to a trust BPO like Canon ITS. Through our Customer Experience Management service, Canon ITS can help your business meet the expectations of customers by measuring customer experience and adapting customer service based on the data collected from every customer interaction. Contact us to learn more about our Customer Experience management.